Air extraction for metalworking

Air filtration solutions for fumes and dust in metalworking industry

Coral Usa Filtration For Metalworking

Air filtration and extraction solution to optimize production and ensure a safe working environment.

Introduction to fumes and gases control for metalworking

Metalworking processes such as the grinding, polishing and cutting of metals generate airborne particles, fumes and gases, which can be extremely dangerous to your employees’ health and safety.
Filtering metalworking airborne contaminants is essential, since they contain potentially harmful metal oxide compounds that could be inhaled into the lungs and result in serious long-term illness. In addition, if dust collection is not adequate welding sparks can cause explosions or fires in your facility.

Problems with metalworking oil mist and smoke

Metalworking processes also generate hazardous oil mist and oil smoke, which can affect machine operators’ health, as well as affect sensitive electronics in machinery, resulting in sudden failures.
An effective and efficient solution is to invest in oil mist collector equipment that can help remove airborne contaminants and cultivate much safer work areas.

Coral USA solutions for metalworking fumes and dust

Coral USA can provide a wide range of solutions to filter and extract airborne contaminants generated form metalworking processes.
Extraction Arms, Portable Extraction Units and Downdraft Table are the perfect solutions to remove fume and smoke directly at the source.
Centralized collection and filtration systems such as Coral USA Stationary Units are designed extract, filter and collect a higher load of fumes and dust. In addition, they are modular and therefore can meet the requirements of many different industries.